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Whether you are looking for that perfect outfit for a special occasion or a complete wardrobe update polished style has a range of personal styling packages to suit your individual styling needs.


The Shop

Do you need some shopping guidance, a few key pieces for the season?  Do you have a special event coming up and need a little help?

Our personal shopping package is a fantastic way to rid yourself of impulse buying, be guided and informed of where to shop for your shape and style.

Package Includes:

  • Style Consultation 1 hour

  • Style Summary

  • Pre shop before we meet for the shop

  • Personal Shopping Session 3 hours



Wardrobe Edit

Never be stuck with what to wear again with a wardrobe that works for you.

Did you know that most people wear only 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time? Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear?

I’ll show you how to make the most of your wardrobe, reinventing what works, determining what to keep and what to cull. Showing you how to mix and match to get the most out of your wardrobe. Basically we shop your wardrobe! We will take photos of the outfits we create and leave you with a look book and a shopping list of key pieces you are missing.

Package Includes:

  • Style Consultation

  • Wardrobe Makeover up to 3 hours

  • Lookbook & Shopping List

  • Drop off to relevant store items we chose to let go of

Your Style Discovery

Are you time poor and need someone to do the ground work for you?  Has your body shape changed and you’re not sure how to dress anymore?  Are you sick and tired of buying the same things over and over again? Then this package is for you.

We will not only refresh your wardrobe and identify the gaps to be filled, it is also your very own personal shopping session.  We will find clothes that fit and flatter you as well as suit your personality, lifestyle & budget

Package Includes:

  • Style Consultation

  • Wardrobe Makeover up to 3 hours

  • Drop off to relevant store items we chose to let go of

  • Personal Shopping Session up to 3 hours

  • Personalised Lookbook

  • Garment Care Guide



The Complete Styling Experience

Are you bored with your style? Do you want to look and feel like the best version of yourself everyday?

With the complete makeover we will determine your unique style and what makes you feel good plus tackle your wardrobe to find those hidden gems. You will gain valuable knowledge and confidence when shopping, know what to look for where to shop and how to shop for your body shape and style.

By the end of this session there will be no more “nothing to wear moments”.  You will be organised,looking good and feeling fabulous.

Package Includes:

  • Style Consultation

  • Wardrobe Makeover up to 3 hours

  • Pre-shop before we meet to source items

  • Personal Shopping Session up to 3 hours

  • Wardrobe Integration 1 hour

  • Personalised Lookbook

  • Approximately 12 hours

Virtual Wardrobe Edit

Do you have items hanging in your wardrobe still with tags on? 

Do you feel overwhelmed when you open your wardrobe and can never find anything to wear?

Are you in a style rut and feel like you have lost your sense of style?  

Would you love advise on how to dress for your body shape and what items to let go of?

A wardrobe edit is such a great way to get your confidence back and to let go of items that no longer serve you.

Not only do we declutter your wardrobe but we also create outfits from what you have and put together a shopping list to fill the gaps.

A wardrobe edit can save you money in the long term, no more purchases that sit unworn in your wardrobe!

If we are unable to meet at your house then a virtual wardrobe edit is ideal and can be done through zoom or skype.

Package Includes:

  • style consultation via zoom

  • 2 hour virtual wardrobe edit

  • a personalised shopping list to fill the gaps

    Optional Add on:

  • 4 shoppable mood boards of outfits to save you time scrolling and searching for your shopping list pieces

